Sunday, 23 May 2010

Coventry Marathon - Hot Work In The Sun

The Coventry Half Marathon proved to be thirsty work for hundreds of runners, who bravely pounded the streets on Sunday 23 May 2010. The early morning sun was ideal for spectators, but the scorching heat added to the ordeal for many of the runners.

Mitchell Avenue Roundabout
To give the athletes plenty of room to get a good stride, the roads on the 13 mile route were closed to traffic. At Mitchell Avenue in Canley, a runner risked disqualification by taking a short cut across the roundabout. But the marshal's did not spot the rule breaker, who shaved a few metes from the course.

Mitchell Avenue Roundabout
The route through Canley ran along Wolfe Road, and down Charter Avenue where it entered the Warwick University campus. It took over 30 minutes for all the runners to jog by.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Woodland Bluebells

The ancient woodlands of Park Wood and Ten Shilling Wood come alive in May when a sea of bluebells signals the arrival of spring. The bluebell is a native plant, and looks stunning when thousands of vivid blue flowers carpet the woodland floor.

Among the bluebells, you may be lucky to spot the Yellow Archangel, which has a cluster of flowers around a spike.