Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Ten Shilling Wood - The Changing Seasons

Ten Shilling Wood changes its character depending on the time of the year.  In the winter it looks bleak and errie when the mist hangs over the trees.  But after a snowfall it appears magical with the ice crystals glistening in the sunlight.
However, the best time to visit is in May, when the woodland floor comes to life in a fabulous display of bluebells.  This is an ancient woodland which means that the wild bluebells have had hundreds of years to slowly colonise every part of the wood.  Bluebells like shade, so it is rare to find this wild flower in open grassland.
The changing seasons are captured in the photos, which have been taken from the same spot in the woodland, just inside the entrance from Wolfe Road.
To find out more, click the text on the photo strip where you can find the exact location for this viewpoint within Ten Shilling Wood.      

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